Stronger Healthier Plants With A Foundation To Last


Not So Friendly Flora

Spending a few decades as a Botanical Horticulturalist and Nurseryman, the unfortunate origin story of most of our beloved house plants became too obvious to ignore. The untold truth is that the overwhelming majority of greenery that find their way to our window sills come with some serious baggage. While some of our new planty roommates may have obvious ties to their rocky past, they often bring pests such as spider mite, fungus gnats, and mealybugs into your greenscapes. Whether you’re an experienced plant collector or glowing new plant parent, bringing these pests home can result in laborious pest management routines that slow the growth and health of our plants or even in the worst of cases, resulting in complete loss of your indoor jungle. However, the most damaging aspects of their past lives often go unseen and unknown.

A Long Road Home

While the European Horticultural landscape has evolved to have a much less dramatic ecological footprint than us in the United States, the process remains roughly the same. Whether buying plants from your local nursery center or even boutique plant shop, the mileage that plants will travel before coming to be pampered in your home can be anywhere between 3,000 and 8,000 miles. Moreover, plants can be bought and sold from 2-4 times on average before you carry them home. While the original growers of these plants will provide somewhat optimal environmental conditions and take care to ensure a pest and disease free plant, that care is rarely taken downstream as these plants are bought and sold multiple times. In this time, the stresses that our beloved plants will endure will often compound irreparably, if not given the precise optimal conditions for rehabilitation which are rarely found inside our homes.

A Flawed Foundation

While we do our best as plant parents to research care tips and read plant labels at our favorite nursery to make sure that our home can keep our new friend happy, often the biggest upsets only show themselves with time. Sometimes even with exhausting all our resources as a plant parent we still find that some plants lack the vigor, growth, and resilience we would expect. These issues often stem not from the way that plant was brought into this world (seed, cut propagation, tissue culture,) but the parent plant itself they originate from. In the past 20 years, tissue culture has become the most widely used method of propagation. This technique ensures that each new plant divided from the parent plant will have the exact growth traits of the parent plant. While this method of propagation can offer a cost effective way to produce large volumes of plants, often the care is not taken to ensure vigorous, fast growing, disease and pest resistant genetics. Inevitably, spreading a copy of the same slow growing and problematic genetics by the thousands.

The Foundry

The FloraFoundry is proud to share our collection of flora, a labor of love, spanning two decades. We collect plant species from around the world with a known history of vigor, resilience, and flexibility to environmental factors. We have a long standing relationship with all of our plant species and cultivar, bringing only the strongest and most resilient plant specimen to your home greenscape. We strive to offer a unique collection of plants for the home that are not traditionally available through large scale nurseries. Implementing advanced propagation techniques allows us to share our eclectic family of plants with you and your family.

Flora with a Foundation

Every FloraFoundry plant is grown in Denver, Colorado in our zero point energy greenhouse. We utilize geothermal, solar thermal, and solar technologies to bring a plant to you with a near zero carbon footprint. Every plant that leaves our greenhouse is fully established and rooted in our custom growing mix which is made in-house and comprised of 87% of renewable materials and specifically designed for that particular plant species. Every plant we grow is inoculated with our custom beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, and microbes. Our custom biological pack has been specifically designed to work symbiotically with aroids and live harmoniously with our custom coco based growing medium. These organisms work to expand and protect the root system while increasing water and nutrient uptake. All FloraFoundry plants are also protected by a hand selected combination of beneficial nematodes keeping your soil free of fungus gnats, soil mites, and other soil born pests for 2-5months depending on your water quality.

Ready for the Window Sill

Unlike other plants shops, our Flora Foundry plants arrive to you ready to be the center piece of your collection. Every plant comes potted in our eco-friendly high quality recycled plastic planter are paired with a matching saucer. The use of these containers in our own growing operations has given us another way to reduce our reliance on petroleum products and we are happy to share these amazing products with you. We also go the extra mile to create the best growing conditions possible for each plant that leaves our green house. We supply all climbing plants with our in-house self watering moss poles and plant all crawling Philodendron with the utmost care to ensure proper growth and easy propagation in the future.